Sunday, July 16, 2006

FG-"The Sluts on My TV" Hoedown

Jenny laments her favorite nighttime pasttime...

Too many nights I sit alone at home with my remote.
I feel my thighs expanding and a lump within my throat.
It's like a train wreck on the screen, I cannot turn away.
From all the dirty flirting and the freaky T & A.
The hour hand is crawling by as my depression grows.
At 2 a.m. the Girls Gone Wild are taking off their clothes.
These programs are addicting, more than I should pr'y admit.
Perhaps one day I'll show my boobs for just the fun of it...

Ok, maybe not...but still a girl can dream...
Cuz truth be told, this dreamer's not as wholesome as she'd seem..

Cuz I watch ...
E-limidate, and Real World, and Average Joe, and Next--
all filled with skinny women underdressed and over-sexed.
Temptation Island, Bachelor, and all the WB...
Oh, why can't my life be more like the sluts on my TV?

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